Economics examines how societies choose to allocate scarce resources among competing uses. A broad range of contemporary policy issues are studied in fields such as natural resource and environmental economics; economic development and growth; international trade and finance; economic history; the organization of industries; the development and efficiency of law; business cycles; labor markets; and public and private finance.
A careful study of economics facilitates effective decision making and enhances our students' understanding, participation in, and contribution to the world in which they live in areas such as:
- Economic growth
- Levels of employment
- Inflation
- International trade
- Globalization
- Taxation
- Finance
- Consequences of alternative economic policies
- Costs and benefit analysis of alternative proposals
Learn more on the Economics Department website
Students who study economics pursue careers as professional economists (in business, government, or academia) as well as careers in law, medicine, and business, which often require training beyond a bachelor’s in economics. Other possible careers economics students pursue include, but are not limited to, analyst, economic consultant, financial planner, investment banker, policy analyst, (management) consultant, and stock broker.

Lane Muranaka
Career Director, Fine Arts & Communications
(801) 422-9360
Click Here for List of Majors