Nutrition, Dietetics & Food Science Skip to main content

Nutrition, Dietetics & Food Science

Nutritional Science is the study of the effects of food components on the metabolism, health, performance and disease resistance of human and animals. It also includes the study of human behaviors related to food choices.

Many graduates with a BS in Nutritional Science have furthered their education through:

  • Graduate programs (e.g. MS, MPH, PhD), with some combining it with a Coordinated Master's Program in Dietetics.
  • Medical School
  • Dental School
  • Schools of osteopathy, pharmacy, podiatry, optometry, physical therapy, and accredited physician assistant programs.

The Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) begins with approximately four semesters of pre-professional study, which include University general education requirements and specific Program requirement. Students may then apply for acceptance into the professional sequence, the final two years of study. Professional Sequence coursework includes courses in clinical and community nutrition and foodservice management as well as teaching and research methods in dietetics.

Dietitians are employed in a variety of settings.

  • Management dietitians work in healthcare institutions, schools, universities, and industry.
  • Clinical dietitians are a vital part of the medical team in hospitals, nursing homes, home health agencies, health maintenance organizations, and other health-care facilities.
  • Community dietitians work in public and home health agencies, and in government-funded programs that feed and counsel families, the elderly, pregnant women, children and disabled individuals.
  • Educator dietitians work in colleges, universities, and community or technical schools, teaching future doctors, nurses, dietitians, and dietetic technicians the sophisticated science of foods, nutrition, and dietetics.
  • Research dietitians work in government agencies, food and pharmaceutical companies, and in major universities and medical centers.
  • Consultants work full or part-time as management, clinical, or community dietitians, usually under contract with a healthcare facility or in their own private practice.
  • Business dietitians work in food and nutrition related industries. They work in product development, sales, marketing, advertising, public relations, purchasing, and in many other capacities that enable companies to satisfy consumers' growing interest in nutrition.

Food Science is the multidisciplinary study of food. It is delicious science and BYU’s Food Scientists are creating the future of food, globally. Food scientists develop products to fuel growth, life and the brands you love.